Al-Khoei Foundation
Al-Khoei Foundation
Questions about Eating and drinking
Q: Hello,
Some chocolates contain barley malt extract, and its definition states: Malt extract is a brown juice obtained from sprouted barley grains. In this process, barley is specially germinated under suitable conditions, dried for a certain period of time, and its extract is extracted.
It seems that this should not be a problem, but in which factory (barley malting or other?) the extract is obtained, and whether they are separated or not, is a question. Is there any religious problem in eating these chocolates?
Thank you
R: In the name of God, There is no problem if it does not contain alcohol, which is intoxicating and forbidden.
Q: Hello,
Some chocolates contain barley malt extract, and its definition states: Malt extract is a brown juice obtained from sprouted barley grains. In this process, barley is specially germinated under suitable conditions, dried for a certain period of time, and its extract is extracted.
It seems that this should not be a problem, but in which factory (barley malting or other?) the extract is obtained, and whether they are separated or not, is a question. Is there any religious problem in eating these chocolates?
Thank you
R: In the name of God, There is no problem if it does not contain alcohol, which is intoxicating and forbidden.