Al-Khoei Foundation
Al-Khoei Foundation
Questions about Ramadan
Q: Hello. I have type 1 diabetes and I have to inject insulin at least three times a day. Is fasting forbidden from me or not? Especially considering the approximately 18 hours of fasting per day.
R: Injecting an ampoule does not invalidate the fast, and if fasting is harmful to him, he should not fast.
Q: Hello. I am going to Montreal this summer and when I checked the religious times for this year's Ramadan in Montreal, I saw that the morning prayer is at 2:30 AM and the evening prayer is at around 9 PM (21). Considering that I will be a newcomer and I will have a lot of work to do to find a house, office work, job, etc., the long hours of fasting (about 20 hours) will be difficult for me. Does this include Asr and Harz and can I make up my fast when I return to Iran in the winter? I have also heard that in countries with long days, it is possible to break the fast before sunset (about 12 hours after the morning prayer). Is this true? Thank you.
R: Anyone who can fast from dawn until the beginning of the night and is not under unbearable hardship is obligated to fast or travel and then make up his fast. However, those who are unable to fast for this period should either travel or make the intention to fast from dawn. However, whenever they feel that continuing the fast is unbearable for them, they should break their fast - drink the necessary amount of water or food - and then make up the fast for that day, and there is no expiation for them.