اللهم کن لولیک الحجة ابن الحَسَن صَلَواتُکَ عَلَیهِ وَ عَلی آبائِه ، فی هذه الساعَة وَ فی کُلِّ ساعَة ، وَلّیاً وَ حافِظاً وَ قائِداً وَ ناصِراً وَ دَلیلاً وَ عَیناً ، حَتی تُسکِنَه اَرضَکَ طَوعاً وَ تُمَتِعَهُ فیها طَویلاً

New Program of Al-Houda

Posted in مدرسه هدی - مدرسة الهدی

This year, the students of Al-Houda School and all staff will fly to a destination of peace with the program

Towards the peaceful!

Our slogan is:

Halte to the conflict!

How? Well, students of all levels will receive tools with advice for the peaceful resolution of conflicts in animated classes of nine workshops. Throughout the school year, we will keep you informed of the contents of these workshops.

At the end of each workshop, we will send you a reminder sheet so that you can follow and reinvest the content in your daily activities.

In those reminders, you will find little games and resources that can be useful at home. We invite you to put them into practice.








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