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Al-Houda school Gym renovation


Special thanks to our generous donator


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Al-Houda school is a Montreal based private Islamic school and a member of FEEP.  We do not have subsidy from the government and therefore are in need of your help and support as we are lacking funds to complete the projects for our school and our community centre.

Al-Khoei Foundation Charity is in the process of renovating the premises and constructing a new building for the needs of students and our community. One of the many projects in progress is the school's gymnasium.

One of our biggest projects is to renovate the gym as it was in very poor condition with broken walls, old paint, old flooring, poor ventilation and in lack of sports equipment and a locker room.

This gym will not only be used by the students of Ecole Al-Houda but also for multiple purposes such as a place to hold the communities celebrations, youth programs and group activities for women where sports will be enjoyed in a safe environment.

3 step renovation:

1. Interior walls, doors and equipments: (Alhamdulillah this project has been done) 

2. Professional flooring: Alhamdulillah this project has been done on 3rd Shaaban - Mawlid Imam Hussein (as) 2024. the total cost of project came to 38500$ and we have received 21000$ donation. Still we are17500$ short and we need to finish the payment soon. 

3.Add and install Gym equipments. Estimated 25000$ - This project is not started yet and we need your help and support for this project.

4. Adding an extension to the gym building for a locker room: Estimation of $9,500

With God's help and your generous contribution, we hope we will be successful in our completion of these projects as we are lacking funds to complete them. Please remember that your donations will be sadaqat jarieh for yourself and your family for generations to come!

La Fondation Islamique Charitable Al-Khoee Inc. is a registered charity in Canada. With the authorizations of Maraje to our President and Imam Mohammad Reza Bagheri Tehrani, you are also allowed to use the Khoms and Hokouk shari'ah for these projects.

We are able to issue donation receipts for donations above $50/year. Please contact us so we can email it to you.

For different methods of weekly or monthly donations, please visit our website athttp://khoei.ca/index.php/en/18-3-2016

Visit our school website at: www.ecolealhouda.ca





Muslim community leaders meeting with Montreal mayor Denis Coderre

Muslim community leaders, including the Al-Khoei Foundation's president, meeting with Montreal mayor Denis Coderre and other religious leaders in support of the Muslim community after the terrorist attack on a Quebec city mosque.

نشست روحانيون و مراكز و مذاهب مختلف اسلامي ، مسيحي و يهودي با شهردار مونترال در محكوم كردن اقدام تروريستي اخير و اعلام همبستگي و همدردي تمامي اديان


پرداخت کمک های ماهیانه

برای مشارکت در برگزاری مجالس حسینی، برنامه های هفتگی موسسه و ثبت نام در دفتر حضرت سید الشهدا (ع)، می توانید با انتخاب یکی از گزینه های زیر نذورات و کمک های خود به صورت ماهیانه پرداخت نمایید. بدیهی است کمک های عزیزان علاوه بر اجر معنوی ، نقش بسزایی در برگزاری مراسم خواهد داشت. برای پرداخت مبالغ دیگر، از گزینه «پرداخت نذورات» در بالا یا پایین همین صفحه استفاده کنید.


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